If you have not already made your travel and hotel plans, there is no time like the present. Remember: Table confirmations will go out in December. If you are a returning table holder and sent in your application you will have tables. If we cashed your check or cc you have tables! No need to ask. If you didn’t send in a signed application you do NOT have tables. No I won’t accept emails or phone requests without an application! The waiting list is thick I’m working as fast as I can to fill it. Waiting list applications are still being excepted but I can’t confirm any waiting list tables yet
All unpaid balances on tables are due January 1st. Exceptions are waiting list applications excepted after the confirmations go out in December. This also includes members who are helpers. Send in your renewals now, we will not except a barrage of phone calls to take ccs over the phone!!!!
lastly don’t forget all loading must be done through the back doors, no carts through the front doors! Bring your own carts!