(513) 245 9540
 Get Your Show of Shows Tables
Show-of-Shows Table Sales
** SOS Table Application DEADLINES **
Renew your tables from last year  JULY 30
Apply for new tables AUGUST 31 
For the past 10 years or so the show has always been completely sold-out.  Anyone wishing to become a new exhibitor at the SOS must submit an application for the 'waiting list'.  The OVMS believes it is in the interest of the show and of the hobby to have as many new dealers set up at SOS as possible, but it used to be that spots only opened up after someone else moved on to the great militaria show in the sky.  However, we are changing a few things which will help incorporate more of those new applicants into the show, and make sure that successful new applicants receive as much advance notice as possible so that they can make their travel arrangements.
One thing that will help open up new spaces and speed confirmations is a strict adherence to deadlines.  (posted above)  If you were a dealer at this year's show and fail to renew before the July 30 renewal deadline, you will be on the waiting list, behind those new table applicants who got their application in by August 31.
We also typically have a few last-minute cancellations due to individual circumstances, and these empty tables can either be purchased by nearby sellers to expand their set-ups on the opening day of the show.. OR, they could be YOURS because you got your name in on the waiting list.
Bottom line: Filling out a waiting list application is NOT an act of futility.  It's worth the small effort - download the form below, fill it out, and send it in!  It doesn't even require a deposit.  Applications are logged in, then processed on a first-come, first-served basis.  Getting a block of 6 or 8 tables?  Difficult.  Securing 1 or 2? - possible.
Table Application Instructions - READ THIS FIRST 
 2025 Table Application

$105 per aisle table, $125 per wall table
The Show-of-Shows is a large, complex event with many moving parts.  To keep everything organized and on track, we really do need a completed table application form from you.  I know that we all hate paperwork.. but it really is quite simple and easy to do this.  Just calling and asking to reserve a table does not get you on the list.  Nothing happens until we have your application, so fill it out and send it in today!  We will make every effort to accommodate as many people as we possibly can.
Plan B
With over 800 registered exhibitors, there are always a few unavoidable last-minute cancellations.  Often, whatever circumstance that causes someone to need to cancel will pop up well past the February 8 deadline for refunds, and there are often a few that happen even after the OVMS office has packed up and headed out to Louisville for the show.   At this point it is too late to work from the waiting list, and those few random tables are available at the door on Thursday.  If you only wanted one or two tables and were too far down in the waiting list line to get one, all hope is not lost.  Assuming you are still coming to the SOS to shop, bring your items for sale as well, and inquire at the desk when you get to the show.

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The Military Historian

Read our Society newsletter, as well as peruse archives of our past issues!
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Upcoming Shows


2026 Show of Shows 

January 29 members only at noon.

January 30-31 members/public

Kentucky Expo Center North Wing
Louisville, KY

Get a table at the 2025 SOS!


2025 Wilmington June Show

June 6-7, 2025


2025 June Wilmington Show Table Reservation Forms, click here.

June 2025



Sept. 18-21, 2025
York Expo Center

York, PA

2025 MAX Table Reservation Form
Click here for more details on the MAX


2025 Wilmington November Show

November 7-8, 2025


2025 Wilmington Show Table Reservation Forms, click here.

November 2025

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