The Ohio Valley Military Society is one the oldest and largest Militaria collector's clubs in the world with over 2,000 current members.
The primary endeavor of the Society is to promote the study and collecting of historic military artifacts by sponsoring three regularly scheduled shows a year in the Ohio Valley area.
The Ohio Valley Military Society is an Ohio corporate Society the sponsors exhibitions and educational shows where military artifacts and regalia can be bought, sold, or traded.
The society promotes the study and the discussion of military history, military artifacts, and their provenance through the collecting of military items.
Upcoming Shows
2026 Show of Shows
January 29 members only at noon.
January 30-31 members/public
Kentucky Expo Center North Wing
Louisville, KY
Get a table at the 2025 SOS!
©2016 Ohio Valley Military Society, Inc. * P.O. Box 98 * Batavia, Ohio 45103-0098, USA
Voice 513-245-9540 * FAX: 513-245-9541 *