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Show of Shows 2025 |
Feb 20-22, 2025 |
Tables are sold out! |
Dealers please read your confirmation letters, we have adjusted the move in time one hour earlier 4 to 7pm
All unpaid balances on tables are due January 30th. Exceptions are waiting list applications excepted after the confirmations go out in December. This also includes members who are helpers. Send in your renewals now, we will not except a barrage of phone calls to take ccs over the phone!!!!
lastly don’t forget all loading must be done through the back doors, no carts through the front doors! Bring your own carts!
Click here to print a 2025 SHOW OF SHOWS table reservation form |
Everyone participating in OVMS shows, whether as dealer, helper, or patron is REQUIRED to follow all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to regulated (post-1898) firearm transactions. Military Collector Shows are not 'duty-free zones' where the rules somehow magically do not apply. If you are not familiar with who can and who cannot sell or buy at the show, follow this link to the ATF Gun Show Guide. OR, scan the QR code to the right with your mobile device so that you can save it there for handy reference. |
VOICE: 1-513-245-9540
FAX: 1-513-245-9541
The Ohio Valley Military Society is one the oldest and largest Militaria collector's clubs in the world with over 4,000 current members.
The primary endeavor of the Society is to promote the study and collecting of historic military artifacts by sponsoring three regularly scheduled shows a year in the Ohio Valley area.
The Ohio Valley Military Society is an Ohio corporate Society the sponsors exhibitions and educational shows where military artifacts and regalia can be bought, sold, or traded.
The society promotes the study and the discussion of military history, military artifacts, and their provenance through the collecting of military items.