(513) 245 9540
Where Military History Meets Militaria Collecting
Next up!
Show of Shows 2025
Feb 20-22, 2025 
The Show is SOLD OUT!!!!!UPDATE 12-17-24

I was only able to asign tables from those who submitted an application at the show! For the first time in my memory we were sold out at the show last year! If you submitted an application after the show I’m sorry but I have no tables to offer anyone so please don’t call and ask. This should be a great show!

I am happy to report the show is sold out! I am filling the gaps with waiting list applications now. All confirmations will go out this month. All balances must be paid in full by January 30. Make sure dealer and helper memberships are paid, we won’t accept phone payments and helpers will NOT have badges if they are not current. We are trying to shorten the lines at the show. If you didn’t send in a signed application you do NOT have tables.

All unpaid balances on tables are due January 30th. Exceptions are waiting list applications excepted after the confirmations go out in December.  This also includes members who are helpers. Send in your renewals now, we will not except a barrage of phone calls to take ccs over the phone!!!!

lastly don’t forget all loading must be done through the back doors, no carts through the front doors!  Bring your own carts!


Click here to print a 2025 SHOW OF SHOWS table reservation form 
2025 Membership renewal time!!
Membership renewals are going out in the mail now. Make sure you keep an eye out for your letter.
Everyone participating in OVMS shows, whether as dealer, helper, or patron is REQUIRED to follow all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to regulated (post-1898) firearm transactions.  Military Collector Shows are not 'duty-free zones' where the rules somehow magically do not apply.  If you are not familiar with who can and who cannot sell or buy at the show, follow this link to the ATF Gun Show Guide.  OR, scan the QR code to the right with your mobile device so that you can save it there for handy reference.   


 PO BOX 98
 BATAVIA, OH  45103 

VOICE: 1-513-245-9540
FAX: 1-513-245-9541

The Ohio Valley Military Society is one the oldest and largest Militaria collector's clubs in the world with over 4,000 current members.

The primary endeavor of the Society is to promote the study and collecting of historic military artifacts by sponsoring three regularly scheduled shows a year in the Ohio Valley area. 

The Ohio Valley Military Society is an Ohio corporate Society the sponsors exhibitions and educational shows where military artifacts and regalia can be bought, sold, or traded. 

The society promotes the study and the discussion of military history, military artifacts, and their provenance through the collecting of military items.


The Military Historian

Read our Society newsletter, as well as peruse archives of our past issues!
Click here for more information

Upcoming Shows


2025 Show of Shows 

Feb. 20-22, 2025

Kentucky Expo Center
Louisville, KY

Get a table at the 2025 SOS!


2025 Wilmington June Show

June 6-7, 2025


2025 June Wilmington Show Table Reservation Forms, click here.

June 2025



Sept. 18-21, 2025
York Expo Center

York, PA

2025 MAX Table Reservation Form
Click here for more details on the MAX


2025 Wilmington November Show

November 7-8, 2025


2025 Wilmington Show Table Reservation Forms, click here.

November 2025

Sign up to receive up-to-date news from OVMS!

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©2016 Ohio Valley Military Society, Inc. * P.O. Box 98 * Batavia, Ohio 45103-0098, USA
Voice 513-245-9540 * FAX: 513-245-9541 * Email